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Tools to help parents keep their young drivers safer

Parents Keep Their Young Drivers Safer

Teenage driving and new technology

Discover some new technological devices that can help parents keep their teenage drivers safer by knowing their whereabouts and limiting the speed of the vehicle.

Many teenagers perceive their driver’s license as kind of a newfound freedom. Given the fact that many teenagers like to show off behind the wheel, feel that they’re invisible and with added peer pressure, teenagers operating a motor vehicle can inherently be an unsafe proposition. This article written by the experts from the reputable essay writing service assignmentpay looks at some of the more recent products to hit the market of devices that allow parents to monitor and control certain vehicle features for their teenagers.

GPS technology to monitor a teenager’s whereabouts

GPS devices or Global Positioning Sensors allow parents to monitor their teenage driver’s whereabouts from the home or office. The device can be hidden in the vehicle and monitored in real-time from a personal home or office computer. Not only can the parents determine where the vehicle is at all times, but they can also determine the speed of the vehicle at any given time.

If the parent can’t monitor their teenager in real-time, there is also a feature that allows the parents to monitor their whereabouts and driving habits in a history log. Alarms can also be set if the vehicle goes over a preset speed limit. Besides pinpointing exact locations, the history log shows the time spent at each location as well as the exact speed the car is traveling.

MyKey technology to control teenager driving habits

Ford was the first car company to introduce MyKey technology as standard equipment in the Ford Focus, for example. The vehicle comes with a special key that can be set to control certain vehicle features for safer teenage driving. Some of the MyKey features include:

  • limits the vehicle’s top speed to 80 miles per hour
  • limits the car stereo volume to 44% of the maximum volume
  • alarm sounds at 45, 55 and 65 miles per hour
  • provides earlier low-fuel warnings
  • radio mutes until seatbelts are fastened
  • traction control cannot be deactivated (limits tire spin)

Once this special key is in the ignition, these special safety features are automatically engaged. Look for MyKey technology to come out in more models in the future.

Teen driving contract as a deterrent to unsafe driving

One of the old-fashioned methods of controlling teenage driving habits is to set specific rules, put the rules into a contract, and have the teenager sign the contract. In the contract, the consequences for violating any of the rules should be noted.

If the rules are broken, the consequences for breaking the contract should be immediately enforced. With the technological advantages of GPS devices and MyKey, it should be an easy task for parents to ensure that the rules of the contract are adhered to.

It’s also a parent’s responsibility to ensure that their teenagers have a safe and reliable vehicle to drive. Always adhere to certain routine vehicle safety inspections for a safer driving experience. For a reliable driving experience, routine vehicle maintenance should be kept up to date. For severe weather, winter vehicle preparations are also important for a safe driving experience.

Things to remember about safe driving for teens

  • Teenage drivers, along with everyone else on the road, should always buckle up – seatbelts do save lives.
  • Drivers should never drink and drive. In addition to being underage, teenage drivers end up putting their own lives and risk as well as endangering the lives of others.
  • Drowsy driving is a growing problem among teens who think they can get by on minimal amounts of sleep. Behind the wheel is not the place for a nap and it can have serious consequences. A tired driver who takes one long blink could result to him ending up in the oncoming traffic lane.
  • Texting while driving is a newer problem that many teen drivers are guilty of doing. Sending text messages while driving is a huge distraction. A regular drive already requires enough multi-tasking – between watching the road, switching lanes, and checking the rearview mirror there shouldn’t even be enough time – or free hands – to send texts!
  • Drivers should never pack their car with so many people that it looks like a clown car. Each person in the car needs a seatbelt, so that’s the limit.
  • Drivers should always keep an eye on the speedometer. Speeding isn’t the solution for a driver in a hurry and most cases they’ll just end up getting pulled over and slapped with a speeding ticket that comes with a hefty fine and other consequences.

Wrapping up

GPS technology and MyKey technology can help parents monitor and control their teenage drivers’ whereabouts and driving habits.

GPS devices allow real-time or history monitoring of a vehicle’s location, speed, and time spent at locations.

MyKey technology limits the speed of the car to 80 mph, stereo volume to 44% of max volume, implements alarms at 45/55/65 mph, mutes radio until seatbelts are fastened and traction control cannot be deactivated.

Teen Driving Contracts sets rules for teenagers and consequences must be enforced if broken.

Vehicular safety inspections and routine maintenance should be kept up-to-date for safe driving experience.

Things to remember: always wear a seatbelt, never drink & drive, no drowsy driving or texting while driving, limit the number of passengers per car, and watch a speedometer.

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